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Digestive Disorders
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Acidity (GERD)

Acidity is a condition which can affect an individual at any age, If left untreated it can create serious complications. It is a disease that aggravates the symptoms of Acidity. So, It is important to take care of your diet and lifestyle if you want to get relieved from this condition. Ayurveda provides treatment of acidity by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for acidity.


Constipation is one of a common gastrointestinal problems that basically occurs due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Constipation is a problem in which there are irregular bowel movements, or difficulty in passing stool. Low fiber diet or dehydration is the major cause of the constipation. Each and Every person has different bowel patterns and hence the symptoms of this health problem may vary. Some of the common symptoms that are associated with constipation include uncomfortable, bloating and sluggishness. Generally, constipation is not a serious problem as other serious health problem but if it is left untreated then it can cause other health problems too. Understanding the right cause of the constipation helps to manage the symptoms of this health problem. Ayurveda provides treatment of constipation by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for Constipation.

Crohn's Diseases

Crohn's disease comes under inflammatory bowel disease, that causes inflammation of the digestive tract. It may affect your gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Small intestine is mostly affected by crohn's disease. Inflammation caused by this disease spreads deep into the layers of affected bowel tissues. Crohn's disease sometimes may lead to many other complications. Many people think that there is no proper treatment for this disease, But Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in Crohn's disease. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of herbs. So, Ayurveda treat crohn's disease from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of crohn's disease by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicines and diet plan regarding this issue.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is a severe inflammatory disorder. The colon and other parts of the gastro-intestinal system become swollen. This leads to tenderness and pain. Though the particular causes of IBS are not yet diagnosed. Yet, too much consumption of hot and spicy food, alcohol and unhealthy lifestyle practices are some of the causes for IBS. Common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are discomfort, pain in abdomen, bloating, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea etc. If this disorder is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in IBS. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat Irritable bowel syndrome from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of Irritable bowel syndrome by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Piles (Hemorrhoids) are swollen veins in or around the anus or rectum. Sometimes they swell so that the vein wall become stretched thin and irritated by passing bowel movement. Hemorrhoids occur at any age but are more likely to occur between the ages of 45 and 65. Piles generally categorized two types, bleeding and dry piles. In bleeding piles when there is so much blood loss, patient can suffer from anemia. Wind formation in the stomach, loss of appetite, itching in the anus region often associated with disease. Ayurveda provides treatment of piles by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for Piles.

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease that affects bowels or simply the intestines. It causes inflammation and ulcers on the digestive tracts. Moreover, this can cause great discomfort when you get hit by rectal pain or joint pain and can be even more painful when you have to face constipation and rectal bleeding. Many of us by now face this issue and might find it really exhausting whether there are any difficulties regarding something light as a slight stomach pain after a meal or severe bleeding that comes with both abdominal and rectal pains. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment of ulcerative colitis. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So it treat ulcerative colitis from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of ulcerative colitis by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Liver and Spleen Disorders
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Fatty Liver

Normally a liver contains a certain amount of fat, If the fat counts excides, then an individual must be suffering from fatty liver. Fatty liver has accumulation of triglycerides and other fats in the liver cells characterized by enlarged and swollen liver with fat. Fatty liver can be categorized as alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disorder. Fatty liver can exist without causing symptoms or getting worse in some people. In others, fatty liver can lead to additional health problems. Main causes of fatty liver are excessive consumption of alcohol, increased body weight (obesity), metabolic abnormalities, high levels of fat in blood, drugs like corticosteroids etc. Fatty liver is a reversible condition which can be resolved with changed behavior, diet and lifestyle along with Ayurvedic medication. Ayurveda provides treatment of fatty liver by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver.


Jaundice is a common condition caused by the increase in bilirubin level in the body. It can occur due to inflammation of liver or an obstruction of bile duct. Symptoms may include fever, fatigue, yellowish discoloration of your skin and eyes, vomiting and body weakness. In Ayurveda, jaundice is known as Kamala. If jaundice is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in jaundice. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat jaundice from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of jaundice by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. The main function of the liver is to filter toxins and chemicals from the blood. It converts the proteins and sugar into the useful substances, stores them and release them whenever, the body requires. Hepatitis is most commonly caused due to the group of viruses that attack the liver. There are 5 types of hepatitis, Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. In which Hepatitis A, B, C is common and Hepatitis D and E is less common. In Ayurveda, Hepatitis is known as "Yakrat Shoth". If hepatitis is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in hepatitis. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat hepatitis from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of hepatitis by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Liver cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis is a final stage of liver failure when the liver is not performing optimally and most of the liver cells are shrunk and fibrosis has taken place. It is very difficult to revive the liver at this stage but still there are ayurvedic medicines and herbal remedies which can help to improve the function of remaining hepatocytes and regenerate new liver cells, thereby almost bringing the person to lead a normal life. Major causes of liver cirrhosis are chronic alcohol consumption, Hepatitis, excessive drugs consumed like NSAIDs, Corticosteroids etc, Non alcoholic fatty liver disease etc. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in liver cirrhosis. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat liver cirrhosis from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of liver cirrhosis by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Hepatomegaly is an enlarged liver, which means it's swollen beyond its usual size. Most of the time, if you have a slightly enlarged liver, you would not notice any symptoms. If it is severely swollen, you may have a feeling of fullness, discomfort in your belly, fatigue, weakness, nausea, weight loss, yellowing of the skin and eyes. Obesity and alcohol intake are the major cause of hepatomegaly. In Ayurveda, hepatomegaly is known as "Yakrat Vriddhi". If hepatomegaly is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in hepatomegaly. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat hepatomegaly from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of hepatomegaly by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


An enlarged spleen is also known as splenomegaly. An enlarged spleen typically causes no sign or symptoms, but sometimes it causes anaemia, frequent infections, pain or fullness in left upper belly, feeling of fullness without eating or after eating a small amount of food. In Ayurveda, splenomegaly is known as "Pleeha Vriddhi". If splenomegaly is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in splenomegaly. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat splenomegaly from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of splenomegaly by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Anaemia is a condition that develops when our body does not receive enough oxygen to fulfill its needs. The lack of oxygen occurs due to deficiency of red blood cells or low levels of hemoglobin pigment that binds with oxygen. The deficiency of red blood cells could be due to low count of RBC's due to destruction or due to abnormality in the RBC structure etc. Ayurveda has described anaemia as pandu Rog. Pandu rog occurs due to Tridoshaj imbalance (imbalance of all three vata, pitta, kapha dosha) but mainly there is increase in pitta dosha of body along with Tridoshaj imbalance. The dietary factors responsible for anaemia are excessive use of oily, fried, spicy, pungent and hot potency food items. According to Charak Samhita when pitta dosha increases it vitiates rakta dhatu of body and then relocates underneath skin to cause yellowish tinge. Understanding the right cause of Anaemia helps to manage the symptoms of this health problem. Ayurveda provides treatment of anaemia by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for Anaemia.

Skin Diseases
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Psoriasis is the persistent long lasting disease. It is a common skin condition that changes the life cycle of skin cells. It's a non-contagious inflammatory skin disease characterized by reoccurring reddish patches covered by silvery scales occurs especially on the scalp, ears, genitialia and the skin over bony prominence. According to Ayurveda, when vata and kapha dosha vitiated they toxify the masha dhatu and rakhta dhatu then the symptoms of psoriasis appears. The exact cause of Psoriasis is not known but it is a result of several factors like genetic, environmental and immune system. If psoriasis is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment of psoriasis. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So it treat psoriasis from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of psoriasis by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Eczema is also known as dermatitis that causes inflammation of the skin which is characterized by dry and irritated skin which sometimes also becomes scaly, wet or blistered. The exact cause of eczema is not clear and the reason behind it may be many like allergic reactions, stress and fatigue. Temperature sometimes also plays a role in causation of this disease. Eczema is a common condition that's not dangerous, but it can cause uneasiness and make the patient self-conscious. Eczema can be Acute or Chronic or may be both. Ayurveda provides treatment of eczema by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for eczema.


Leucoderma, also known as vitiligo, is a distressing skin condition. There is a gradual loss of the pigment melanin from the skin layers which results in white patches. The problem usually starts with a small white spot which later develops into patches. These patches look ugly. These patches are pale in the beginning, but become whiter and whiter as time passes by due to loss of pigment As the spots enlarge, they merge into each other and, in course of time, form a very broad patch. In some cases, most of the skin of the body may be covered with white patches. The condition does not cause any organ harm. Ayurveda provides treatment of leucoderma by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma or vitilgo.

Fungal Infection

Fungal diseases are caused by fungi which are present everywhere on this earth. Fungal infections sometimes result in the severe health complications so it is very important that everyone must have knowledge about the fungal infections and symptoms associated with fungal infections. To manage fungal infections and there are various ayurvedic herbs which helps to resolve the infection in a natural way. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of fungal infections by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Acne is an inflammatory situation of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Acne or pimples are one of the most dangerous nightmares of every woman. It is characterized by lesions, which erupt all of a sudden on the face, chest, shoulders, neck, back and other parts of the body. Pimples, blackheads, whiteheads are some of the common forms of acne. This happens mainly due to the irregular eating habits and dietary practice. Constipation, gastric ailments, physical inactivity, stress, excess consumption of tobacco and alcohol are some of the other causes of acne. According to Ayurveda, acne, Pimples and other skin problems are caused by impurities in the blood. There are many ayurvedic medicines which are very useful in removing these impurities. Ayurveda provides treatment of acne by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan for Acne. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for Acne, Pimples and also other skin related disorders.

Male and Female disorders
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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual condition in man in which he has trouble in maintaining or keeping erection. It is a common sexual dysfunction in man that becomes more common as you get older. But, it is not a part of ageing. Several causes are there for this problem. Common causes of erectile dysfunction are fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress, strained relationships, excessive alcohol intake, heart problems, diabetes, obesity, parkinsonism, benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH) etc. Many people think that there is no proper treatment for this disease, But Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in erectile dysfunction. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat erectile dysfunction from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of erectile dysfunction by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is one of a common sexual problems in men in which there occurs an uncontrolled ejaculation. The ejaculation occurs shortly either before or after sexual penetration. This results in unsatisfactory sex and in turn led to stress or anxiety as well. Causes of premature ejaculation are factors such as anxiety, stress and depression play an important role. Sometimes, long term usage of medications also causes premature ejaculation and also this problem increases with age. Many people think that there is no proper treatment for this disease, But Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in premature ejaculation. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat premature ejaculation from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of premature ejaculation by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Oligospermia(Low sperm count) is a condition in which the sperm count is less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. The common symptoms associated with oligospermia are thin discharge and less discharge, sexual inability, pain and swelling in testicles area, less facial and body hairs. Unhealthy lifestyle is a major cause of this problem. Many people think that there is no proper treatment for this disease, But Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in oligospermia. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat oligospermia from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of oligospermia by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Leucorrhoea is a female reproductive disorder. Leucorrhoea results in the discharge of white colored fluid abnormally from the female genitals. Leucorrhoea leads to discomfort, itching, burning feeling, irritation, low backache etc. Patients suffering from leucorrhoea are mainly complaints of dense, glutinous (sticky), unpleasant smelling vaginal discharge. Living in unhygienic and unhealthy conditions, improper food habits are the other major causes of leucorrhoea. In Ayurveda, leucorrhoea is known as "Swet Pradar". If leucorrhoea is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in leucorrhoea. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat leucorrhoea from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of leucorrhoea by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding is bleeding from the uterus that is longer than usual or that occurs at an irregular time. Bleeding may be heavier or lighter than usual and occur often or randomly. Abnormal uterine bleeding can occur: As spotting or bleeding between your periods after sex. In Ayurveda, heavy uterine bleeding is known as "Rakta Pradar". If abnormal uterine bleeding is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in abnormal uterine bleeding. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicine. So, Ayurveda treat abnormal uterine bleeding from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Prostate Enlargement

The prostate is a gland that produces the fluid which carries sperm during ejaculation. Enlarged prostate is not usually a serious threat to a man's health. In some men, the symptoms are mild. In others, symptoms can be very troublesome and have a major impact on their quality of life. Prostate enlargement is a common condition associated with ageing. Around 55%-60% of men who are aged 50 to 60 or over have some degree of prostate enlargement. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment of prostate enlargement. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat prostate enlargement from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of prostate enlargement by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan.


The Polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) is a major cause of infertility in female. This disease is characterized by the formation of single or multiple cysts in ovaries which in turn causes irregular menstrual cycle. Size of ovary increases and it secretes androgen and estrogen hormones in great amount. This condition leads to the various problem associated with the menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac health and physical appearance. Symptoms of PCOS may include excessive weight gain, extra growth of body hair, acne, depression, anxiety, irregular menstruation, infertility etc. If PCOS is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in PCOS. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat PCOS from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of PCOS by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Other Common Diseases
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High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is also commonly known as high blood pressure. It is the medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood the heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in the arteries. Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke. The symptoms of hypertension are headache (at the back of head), vertigo, tinnitus, fainting episodes. If hypertension is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in hypertension. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat hypertension from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of hypertension by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Due to the increase in sedentary lifestyle and bad dietary habits, now a days the trend of lifestyle disorders is becoming common these days. One of the major Lifestyle disorders is Diabetes. Diabetes is a term used when there is excess amount of sugar in the blood. Diabetes mellitus is of two types i.e. Type 1 and Type 2. Diabetes mellitus Type 1 patients have no production of insulin at all, whereas type 2 patients have reduced production or decreased utilization of insulin in the body. Main causes of diabetes are oily, fried, spicy unhygienic foods, less physical activities, excessive consumption of alcohol, increased body weight (obesity) etc. Ayurveda has described diabetes as "Madhumeha". If diabetes is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in diabetes. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat diabetes from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of diabetes by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are one of the most common and most painful disorder of the urinary tract. Kidney stone is a hard crystal mass that builds up inside the kidney. Kidney stone can be tiny or very large. Tiny stones can travel down through the urinary tract and pass out of the body with urine without being noticed. While large stone moves into ureter and causes extreme severe pain. Kidney stones are usually yellow or brown in colour. The common cause of kidney stone is dehydration or imbalance of body fluids which makes the urine concentrated along with chronic urinary tract infection. Ayurveda provides treatment of kidney stones by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan. Aayushman Ayurved provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones.


Arthritis is the term used for all kinds of joint pain. Depending on the cause, arthritis is classified as degenerative, metabolic and autoimmune disease. Genes play an important role in arthritis running in families. Painful joints are the first and most significant sign of arthritis, but there are a few more symptoms which should not be ignored which is swelling, difficult movement of a body part, stiffness around a joint, inability to straighten a joint once bent etc. If arthritis is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in arthritis. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat arthritis from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of arthritis by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Sleep is a natural time for the mind and body to rest, detoxify, reset and rejuvenate. Insomnia is the most common complaints faced by people all over the world. It is characterized by difficulty in sleeping, which may include falling asleep, maintaining sleep or a combination of both. Insomnia results in fatigue, lack of energy and difficulty in concentrating in day to day activities. Women are affected more than men. Insomnia affects elderly population as well. "Anidra" is ayurvedic term used for insomnia. According to Ayurveda, Vata and Pitta dosha are mainly responsible to cause this disease. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in insomnia. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat insomnia from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of insomnia by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.


Severe headache in a part of the head is known as migraine. It is a common condition which may or may not be due to an underlying disease. It lasts for a few hours and may not come back for months. A migraine attack makes a person unable to do any reading, cooking, driving, cleaning and other regular activities. An attack may last for a few minutes to a few hours. Sometimes migraine can be triggered or worsened by strong smells, loud noise and peculiar sounds. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in migraine. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicines. So, Ayurveda treat migraine from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of migraine by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

Allergic Rhinitis

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the nose. It is a common problem in people suffering from allergies (allergic rhinitis), asthma and chronic sinusitis. Rhinitis may be chronic, allergic or a mix of both. Post nasal drip is the most common symptom of chronic rhinitis. It is the accumulation of thick and profuse mucous secretions at the back of the nose giving a feeling of mucous dripping down to the throat. It is most often a result of the non- clearing of the nasal mucous that has accumulated as a result of rhinitis. Other symptoms of chronic rhinitis include stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing and mucous in the throat. If rhinitis is not treated in proper time, it may lead to severe and other chronic conditions. Ayurveda provides very effective treatment in rhinitis. As we known Ayurvedic treatment is based on basic principles of dosha, body type of an individual and rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka of medicine. So, Ayurveda treat rhinitis from its root. Aayushman Ayurved provides treatment of rhinitis by providing appropriate guidelines for a good lifestyle, medicine and diet plan regarding this issue.

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